Monday 29 June 2009

A Birthday Party & A Sneek Peek

It's been REALLY hot and sticky here in Middle Tennessee. Too hot and sticky to do a lot of outdoor things, but perfect for a swimming party for this cute guy! This is my oldest grandchild and the only boy of the group of 5 (so far). He turned 7!-I can't believe it! and had his party at his "other" grandmother's house because she has a nice big pool and her house isn't "WAY OUT IN THE COUNTRY" like mine!

This is the awesome cake that his mother made for him. It's hard to tell from this picture, but its a sand castle. Some little hands and a lot of heat got to it before I was able to get the picture. It had shells on either side of the popsicle stick draw bridge before the little hands found them. The "sand" was actually brown sugar and yes, those are real shells, which were removed before serving. It was delish! I was really impressed that his Mom made it. Clever girl, that daughter-in-law of mine!

We really enjoyed sitting by the pool and watching the children swim and jump and splash. I don't own a swim suit, so I just dangled my legs in the water and watched the birthday boy, his cute little sister and his cousins have a big ole time! Even my 22 month old granddaughter got in on the action. I think she is part fish!

My handyman found himself a chair in the shade and got as many wet hugs as the grand kids would allow. It was a great way to spend a HOT Saturday afternoon.

Despite the heat we got the bantam chickens moved to their own new-to-them coop. Here's a sneak peek of what my clever handyman built for them:

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